On Dec. 13 at the Houston Volunteer Fire Department, an emergency response training meeting was held. The focus of the meeting was a scenerio of a train derailing. Questions of what issues this may cause, what kind of procedures should be in place, and the protocals of action should be were discussed. This is the first emergency response meeting the town has had since 2012. “The objective is to get stakeholders and officials to work together,” commented Michael Glavin, Chief Administrative Officer for the District of Houston.

On Dec. 13 at the Houston Volunteer Fire Department, an emergency response training meeting was held. The focus of the meeting was a scenerio of a train derailing. Questions of what issues this may cause, what kind of procedures should be in place, and the protocals of action should be were discussed. This is the first emergency response meeting the town has had since 2012. “The objective is to get stakeholders and officials to work together,” commented Michael Glavin, Chief Administrative Officer for the District of Houston.

Town emergency response training meeting

On Dec. 13 at the Houston Volunteer Fire Department, an emergency response training meeting was held.

On Dec. 13 at the Houston Volunteer Fire Department, an emergency response training meeting was held. The focus of the meeting was a scenario of a train derailing. Questions of what issues this may cause, what kind of procedures should be in place, and the protocals of action should be were discussed. This is the first emergency response meeting the town has had since 2012. “The objective is to get stakeholders and officials to work together,” commented Michael Glavin, Chief Administrative Officer for the District of Houston.


Houston Today