(From left) Creston Coun. Joanna Wilson, Mayor Ron Toyota and Coun. Tanya Ducharme sport shirts promoting Earth Hour on March 31.

(From left) Creston Coun. Joanna Wilson, Mayor Ron Toyota and Coun. Tanya Ducharme sport shirts promoting Earth Hour on March 31.

Town wants Creston lights out for Earth Hour

Creston residents are encouraged to turn out the lights at 8:30 p.m. on March 31, even if the party isn’t over...

Creston residents are encouraged to turn out the lights at 8:30 p.m. on March 31, even if the party isn’t over.

March 31 marks Earth Hour and the Town of Creston is supporting the awareness event for the fourth year in a row.

“We encourage everyone to participate, and to “take the pledge” by signing on to FortisBC’s Earth Hour Challenge at www.fortisbc.com/earthhour,” Mayor Ron Toyota said last week. “If Creston residents register the most pledges per capita, Creston Valley Gleaners Society will win an energy upgrade valued up to $5,000.”

Everyone who pledges on the website gets a chance to win a weekend at the Manteo Resort in Kelowna.

Last year, 5,200 cities and towns in 135 countries switched off their lights for Earth Hour, issuing a powerful call for action on climate change.

Earth Hour is sponsored globally by the World Wildlife Fund. Locally, FortisBC supports the effort with the on-line challenge. It also provides T-shirts to promote the event.


Creston Valley Advance