The Township of Langley has introduced a new service that lets residents get alerts sent to their  smart phones.

The Township of Langley has introduced a new service that lets residents get alerts sent to their smart phones.

Township news, direct from the source

Langley introduces new eAlerts to keep residents up to speed

From road closures to public hearings, information on what is happening in the Township of Langley can now be sent directly to your phone or computer.

eAlerts, a new tool designed to keep the public up-to-date on activity occurring in the municipality, is now available via the Township’s website. By signing up,  residents can subscribe to the service and have the latest information in a number of categories sent directly to their email.

The alerts are available for community consultations such as public hearings and open houses, Council updates, facility closures and interruptions, utility service interruptions, and road closures and traffic impact.

“The information goes straight to the public; they don’t have to look for it,” said Information Technology Manager Steve Scheepmaker.

The eAlerts tool was created in response to the construction activity, Scheepmaker said, but was extended to include other topics after public feedback showed residents wanted more direct ways of keeping up to speed with Township information.

To sign up, click here.

Langley Times