Aldergrove Legion president Doug Hadley (left) received the proclamation from Mayor Jack Froese at Township Council's chambers on Oct. 27.

Aldergrove Legion president Doug Hadley (left) received the proclamation from Mayor Jack Froese at Township Council's chambers on Oct. 27.

Township recognizes Aldergrove Legion with special proclamation

An organization that has played a vital role in the community for more than half a century received a unique honour from the Township

An organization that has played a vital role in the community for more than half a century received a unique honour from the Township of Langley.

Royal Canadian Legion Aldergrove Branch 265 has been awarded a special proclamation by Township of Langley Council in recognition of its longstanding service and for all it has contributed to the Township.

Council has proclaimed November as Royal Canadian Legion Aldergrove Branch 265 Month and the Legion was officially presented with the proclamation on October 27.

This is the first time that the Township has bestowed an honour of this kind.

“The Aldergrove branch of the Royal Canadian Legion has been an integral part of our community, representing Canadian soldiers and civilians since 1963,” Township of Langley Mayor Jack Froese said.

“It is truly a privilege to be able to recognize the Aldergrove Legion through this special proclamation.”

In recognizing the Aldergrove Legion, Township Council noted that the First World War began 100 years ago this summer, and many local citizens made the ultimate sacrifice by serving their country.

The Aldergrove Legion was created on June 16, 1963 and for more than 51 years it has been helping veterans and those in need in the community, by enhancing local hospitals and seniors homes, providing scholarships and bursaries, and supporting young athletes, Scouts, and Cadets.

Through its annual Poppy Campaign and other fundraising events held by volunteers, the Legion has raised money to provide medical equipment and fire and rescue equipment, and to support youth and community groups, educate students, and offer assistance to veterans and their families.

The Legion’s services are all provided in the spirit of remembering those who gave their lives to protect our freedom and our future.

“We are thrilled to receive this honour from the Township of Langley,” said Aldergrove Legion president Doug Hadley.

“Our organization is run by volunteers who are committed to supporting our veterans and people in need, and we are grateful for this recognition. It is important that people always remember everything that those who have served in the armed forces have given – and continue to give – to our country.”

Members of the Aldergrove Legion’s executive committee received the special proclamation marking November as “Royal Canadian Legion Aldergrove Branch 265 Month” in Langley Twnship Council’s chambers on Oct. 27. (Submitted photo)

Township mayor Jack Froese was pinned with a poppy by 94-year-old Aldergrove Legion member Bud Freeston at the Monday, Oct. 27 council meeting. Normally, the mayor receives the first poppy in November before Remembrance Day, but the Legion began distributing them last week in memory of the two soldiers killed in Eastern Canada. (Dan Ferguson photo)

Aldergrove Star