Trail Daily Times introduces e-subscriptions

As of May 22, all Trail Daily Times subscribers will enjoy full access to the newspaper’s premium online content at no additional cost.

As of May 22, all Trail Daily Times subscribers will enjoy full access to the newspaper’s premium online content at no additional cost.

This is an important step as part of a growing industry trend to reward our loyal readers with free unlimited access to all the local coverage you expect from your community newspaper.

That means all website content, including our eEditions (a digital replica of the paper), is now included in the cost of your paid subscription.

Readers who want to forgo the print edition, or who live outside the Times’s delivery area, will still be able to access digital-only premium content on a monthly or annual basis.

With this step, the Trail Daily Times joins scores of paid-circulation community newspapers in cities large and small across the country which are recognizing the value of their online content, Trail Daily Times publisher Barb Blatchford said.

“Our next-generation products such as our online content and e-editions, play an important part of our future,” Blatchford said.

“We will deliver the news and information to readers when they want it, where they want it and, most importantly, how they want it.”

While recognizing the value of the unique, local content created by the newsroom staff at the Trail Daily Times, Blatchford also appreciates the realities of a free-access internet.

“We understand that news outside of what our local reporters generate can be had elsewhere and for free, but there are literally thousands of such stories each day,” she said.

“The stories written by our staff are uniquely Greater Trail; there is an inherent value in that – we appreciate it, or print subscribers appreciate it – and it should be recognized in all facets of our industry, including the emerging online component.”

Blatchford has been reticent to charge for online content, considering it may impact page views.

However, she is confident the hyper-local nature of content created by Trail Daily Times staff will win the day.

“If we have something that no one else can produce, readers might be willing to pay for it,” she said. “We have that audience through the Trail Daily Times – and we owe it to our print readers to share the same respect for them with our online product.”

Blatchford expects there may be an initial decline in page views during the transition to e-subscriptions. However, she knows it will be minimal, and short-lived as the products value gains traction.

“What’s encouraging is we will show our advertisers a dedicated readership that is committed to the Trail Daily Times brand – in print and online.”


Here are some answers for frequently asked questions regarding online subscriptions

Q: Why has the paper chosen to make some of its content “Premium Content?”

A: Like any business, we need to price our product in such a way that we can continue to provide the level of quality to which our customers have grown accustomed. Maintaining our staff of talented local journalists, sales people and designers would not be possible without subscription fees.

This also corrects an anomaly that’s existed for years – where our print subscribers paid to read our stories, which were available online free. This properly recognizes the value all our subscribers place on our content.

Q: Will the entire site require a subscription?

A: No, much of the site will still be free, including: breaking news, calendar, and all facets of provincial coverage. Subscriptions are required to access our in-depth local news, sports, opinions and features.

Q: Can I buy a subscription on the website?

A: Yes. You can pay for delivery of our print edition plus online access, or just the online access quickly and easily through our site.

Q: Do I need to pay for another subscription if I already receive the paper ?

A: No, not at all. Your existing print subscription entitles you to full access to our website for the entire term of your subscription.

Q: How do I use my print subscription to access your website?

A: All current subscribers will be sent a letter containing a unique customer account number. If you receive the paper via the mail, check the mail label on the newspaper. Your subscription number appears there. If you have carrier delivery, you should receive a letter with your customer account number. You can go here ( to start the process. Enter your account number in the portion of the page marked “Current Print Subscribers” and you’ll be asked to answer a few short questions, after which your subscription will be verified and you’ll have complete access to our site.

Q: What if I can’t find my account number?

A: We will help you with that. Please call us at 1-888-811-5627.

Q: What about new subscribers who pay via mail?

A: New subscribers who opt for an offline payment method will have their subscriptions activated within seven (7) days. The Circulation Department will provide your account number so you can link your subscriptions on the website.

Q: What if I go on vacation?

A: We can pause your print subscription during your vacation. Your online subscription will continue so you can access all of the local news during your travels.

Q: What about privacy?

A: We do not share or sell your information. You can learn more about our privacy policy at LOCALTITLE/privacy. Some of our service partners, such as PayPal, have their own privacy policies and terms of service that customers should be aware of.

Q: How do I purchase a subscription online?

A: Go to our site and click on the eEdition link to start the process.



Trail Daily Times

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