Trailer fire destroys snowmobiles

Passing motorists alert owner to trailer being on fire; two of four snowmobiles inside of trailer destroyed in blaze

Vernon Fire Rescue Services tend to a trailer fire on Highway 97 near Vernon which caught fire shortly before 8 a.m. Saturday. Two of four snowmobiles inside the trailer were destroyed in the blaze.

Vernon Fire Rescue Services tend to a trailer fire on Highway 97 near Vernon which caught fire shortly before 8 a.m. Saturday. Two of four snowmobiles inside the trailer were destroyed in the blaze.

Two snowmobiles were destroyed in a utility trailer fire outside of Vernon Saturday morning.

Vernon Fire Rescue Service crews responded to the trailer fire shortly before 8 a.m.

There were four snowmobiles inside. Two were destroyed but the owner removed two of them before the flames got to them.

Vernon Fire Rescue Services report the owner of the sleds was travelling on Highway 97 toward Vernon when they were notified by people passing that the trailer was on fire, which is when the owner pulled over.

The cause of the fire is under investigation.


Vernon Morning Star