Tuesday night mini med sessions focus on health

The free health information offered on four consecutive Tuesday nights in Chilliwack might be life-altering for some.

The free health information offered on four consecutive Tuesday nights in Chilliwack might be life-altering for some.

The 6th Annual Mini Med School starts next Tuesday, March 18 at the Cultural Centre, bringing together doctors, health professionals and the public, for talks on a range of health-related topics.

The topics range from Memory Loss and Dementia (March 18), where there will be lots to learn from a caregiver and patient point of view, to healthy aging (March 25).

End of life needs are April 1 and on April 8 the wilderness medicine session is called “No Doctor, No Hospital – NO PROBLEM.”

The program runs 7 to 9 p.m. Light refreshments and snacks will be served. No registration. Free drop in.

For more details call 604-702-4757

The series is sponsored by Chilliwack Economic Partners and Chilliwack Division of Family Practice.

Chilliwack Progress