Two hour rescue has happy ending for this 10 year old mare.

Two hour rescue has happy ending for this 10 year old mare.

Two-hour horse rescue has happy ending

A team effort results in 10-year-old mare being rescued from ditch on Marsh McCormick Road

Abbotsford Fire Rescue Service received a call to assist with the rescue of a horse from a ditch just west of the intersection of Marsh McCormick and Lefeuvre roads in Glen Valley on Saturday afternoon.

Firefighters, along with Abbotsford Police and a local farmer, were able to attach a fire hose harness to the horse and then use a tractor to lift the mare from the ditch.

A veterinarian at the scene provided valuable assistance in terms of the animal’s welfare.

The horse had apparently been spooked while a group of locals had been riding. The horse reared back, throwing the rider, and then fell back into the ditch. The rider was unhurt and the horse was led away without any noticeable injuries.

Abbotsford News