John Yap, provincial minister of advanced education, innovation and technology, announces $621,000 is funding for the UFV's trades and technology department in Chilliwack on Thursday. The money is being used to by state-of-the-art training equipment like the engine in the foreground for the automotive department.

John Yap, provincial minister of advanced education, innovation and technology, announces $621,000 is funding for the UFV's trades and technology department in Chilliwack on Thursday. The money is being used to by state-of-the-art training equipment like the engine in the foreground for the automotive department.

UFV receives $622,000 in skills money

UFV trades and tech receives funding to purchase state-of-the-art equipment in Chilliwack.

Students at the University of the Fraser Valley Trades and Technology Centre in Chilliwack will train on updated equipment following $622,000 in new provincial funding announced Thursday.

The money, part of $17 million being distributed to post secondary institutions across the province, is going toward state-of-the-art equipment for UFV’s automotive department.

This provincial investment, coupled with contributions from private industry partners, will ensure students are training on the same calibre of equipment their employers will be asking them to work on after graduation,” said Yap.

Equipment purchases and replacements at each institution are based upon a review and analysis of existing inventory, current and future program and industry requirements, and current government priorities to provide skills training that is aligned to the needs of the economy in each region.

Institutions will also pursue partnerships with local industries and other stakeholders to purchase or donate equipment, ensuring students continue to train on the latest equipment being used in the workplace.

“This funding will help improve trades programs at University of the Fraser Valley, and will give students even more hands-on experience that they can take with them to their jobs,” said Chilliwack MLA John Les.

The type of equipment slated for new purchase or replacement at UFV – unless otherwise donated from industry partners – includes equipment items such as a diagnostic engine bench, plasma table, flat deck trailer and a planer.

Said UFV president Mark Evered: “This support for quality education and training is a very valuable investment in the people who will lead the development of the communities we serve.”

Chilliwack Progress