Variety donates all-terrain chairs to local camp

Mission camp for children with life-threatening illnesses benefits from donation

Campers at Zajac Ranch this summer can zip through the grass, mud, and dirt on the shores of Stave Lake with the new Action Trackchairs.

The all-terrain wheelchairs were purchased through a donation from Variety The Children’s Charity.

These powered wheelchairs will help special needs campers maintain their independence and allow them to access every inch of the ranch.

“Variety has been a valued partner of the Zajac Ranch since 2004, and their continued support with donations like this has helped us realize our vision of making Zajac Ranch for Children accessible for all children,” said Mel Zajac, ranch founder.

In addition to providing $28,000 for the purchase of the new chairs, Variety also donated $15,000 to help fund the Down Syndrome, epilepsy, Muscular Dystrophy camps this year.

Hundreds of children with special needs attend the summer camp at Zajac Ranch every year. The camp is located on Stave Lake, about 10 km up Burma Road.

For more information about Zajac Ranch, visit

Mission City Record