Vernon mayor praises efforts of bylaw officers

Vernon’s mayor has come out in praise of the efforts of two city bylaw officers in connection with an incident in Polson Park Sunday

Vernon’s mayor has come out in praise of the efforts of two city bylaw officers.

Akbal Mund praised officers Kevin Korol and Bryce DeDood for providing support following an incident at Polson Park Sunday, when a small child in a strollers rolled into the park’s duck pond.

Korol and DeDood were conducting a patrol of the park as a part of their regular duties when a witness called them over after a stroller with a seven-month-old child rolled into the pond.

Two park users were quick to jump in to pull the stroller and child from the water, and the bylaw officers assisted with assessing everyone’s health, providing jackets and support for the cold and wet rescuers, and called Vernon Fire Rescue Services (VFRS) to attend.

VFRS arrived quickly on the scene and provided additional blankets for the mother and baby, who were then taken to the hospital as a precaution.

DeDood and Korol then delivered the stroller back to the mother’s home.

“Kevin Korol and Bryce DeDood responded quickly and correctly by alerting VFRS, acting with concern, thoughtfulness and consideration,” said Mund.

“Our bylaw compliance officers are the eyes and ears of our city, providing support to Vernon’s protective services as well as to our own residents. I am proud to thank them on behalf of council, management and staff of the City of Vernon.”




Vernon Morning Star