Vernon-North Okanagan police plan heavy long weekend presence

Vernon-North Okanagan RCMP want to make sure the unofficial kickoff to summer is a safe one.

Vernon-North Okanagan RCMP want to make sure the unofficial kickoff to summer is a safe one.

Police will be out in full force for the May long weekened.

“This is the long weekend that many people look forward to, getting out camping, opening up their summer cabins, and getting out on the lakes or into the hiking trails and parks in this wonderful province of ours,” said RCMP spokesperson Gord Molendyk.

“The RCMP in the North Okanagan is asking everyone to please be responsible while you are out enjoying your weekend.”

North Okanagan Traffic Services and the Integrated Road Safety Unit will be on the highways checking for speed as well as distracted drivers, and anyone driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

The police will also have extra staff on to patrol areas around Mabel Lake and several of the forestry campsites around the region.

It is also the annual Falkland Stampede and parade that attract thousands of people to the area.

“Obey the speed limits and give yourself a bit of extra time to get where you are driving,” said Molendyk. “Don’t be a long weekend traffic statistic. Don’t drink and drive. The same goes if you are going out on the water for the day. Have your life jackets on and make sure your boat has all the safety equipment.”



Vernon Morning Star