Concerns about Kinder Morgan's pipeline plans will be the focus of a Vernon rally Monday.

Concerns about Kinder Morgan's pipeline plans will be the focus of a Vernon rally Monday.

Vernon protest targets oil pipeline plans

On Monday, there will be a candlelight vigil against the expansion of the Kinder Morgan pipeline.

Vernon residents concerned about oil pipelines are coming together.

On Monday from 6 to 6:30 p.m., there will be a candlelight vigil at the Vernon Recreation Complex against the expansion of the Kinder Morgan pipeline.

“People in Vernon will join with thousands at vigils across Canada to tell the Canadian government that the expansion of the pipeline and the tar sands will make it impossible for Canada to meet its greenhouse gas commitments made a year ago at the Paris climate conference,” said Bill Darnell, one of the organizers.

“The KM pipeline and the resulting oil tankers carrying diluted bitumen will also threaten the west coast with oil spills. The billions of dollars needed for the KM pipeline, opposed by Vancouver and Burnaby, will divert energy investment needed now to build our alternate energy infrastructure.”

At the vigil, there will be speakers who have been part of pipeline protests at Standing Rock, North Dakota.

Monday’s event is supported by,, Greenpeace Canada, the Council of Canadians and the Canadian Youth Climate Coalition.

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Vernon Morning Star