Vernon resident sees man wearing his stolen jacket

Vernon resident sees man wearing his stolen jacket

Resident and brother apprehend suspect; RCMP take 25-year-old man into custody

The man thought the jacket on the stranger looked familiar.

A 25-year-old Vernon man is facing charges after an observant local resident spotted him wearing his stolen jacket.

Sometime during the night Monday, a vehicle was broken into in the 6300 block of L&A Road in Vernon. Several items were stolen from the vehicle including a wallet, a jacket, and a pair of gloves.

“At approximately 11 a.m. Monday, the owner of the vehicle the items were stolen from saw a man at the intersection of 37th Avenue and 27th Street in Vernon who was wearing his stolen jacket,” said Vernon RCMP Const. Jocelyn Noseworthy.

The owner and his brother physically detained the man until police could attend the scene. RCMP found the stolen wallet and gloves on the man when they searched him.

The suspect is being held in custody to appear in Vernon Provincial Court.

RCMP are recommending several charges including possession of property obtained by crime, and possession of break-in instruments.

His name is not being released at this time.


Vernon Morning Star