RCMP will be out in force this week, supported by Chilliwack SpeedWatch volunteers.

RCMP will be out in force this week, supported by Chilliwack SpeedWatch volunteers.

Watch your speed in school zones, Chilliwack RCMP warn

Chilliwack RCMP are reminding motorists to slow down this week, as school children return to school.

Chilliwack RCMP are reminding motorists to slow down this week, as excited school children return to school.

With the teacher strike now over, students will be back in class on Monday, and RCMP want to ensure everyone gets to and from school safely.

They’re reminding motorists to slow down in school zones, watch for posted speed limits and keep an extra eye out for kids.  Following are some tips for making the transition back to school easier:


•  Slow down. The posted speed limit in school zones is 30km/h between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. and 30km/h from dusk to dawn all year round at playgrounds.

•  Expect the unexpected. Watch for children walking on medians, roadways and curbs and be cautious when approaching intersections.

• Stopped for a reason. Think twice before darting in front of a stopped car, they may be yielding for a pedestrian.

•   Leave the phone alone. Do not operate a mobile device when driving.  It is illegal for drivers to hold, operate, communicate or watch the screen of a hand-held electronic communication device.


•  Use crosswalks whenever possible. When walking or cycling with your kids to and from school, choose a route that has the least amount of street crossings, and where possible, choose intersections with a pedestrian crossing light or a marked crosswalk.

• See eye to eye. Always look left and right then left again before crossing a street, and make eye contact with drivers so you know they’ve seen you.

•  Don’t text and walk. Stay unplugged and leave gadgets in backpacks when walking to cycling, this way you can focus on the road, see, hear and respond safely.

•  Be seen. Where high visibility clothing.

Chilliwack Progress