Water restrictions move to next level in Greater Vernon

As of Tuesday, stage one water restrictions are now in effect for Greater Vernon.

Water restrictions have escalated for Greater Vernon residents.

As of Tuesday, stage one water restrictions are now in effect for Greater Vernon.

“This is a shift from normal conditions, meaning there will be increased monitoring of outdoor water use to encourage customers to reduce water use by 10 per cent,” said Jennifer Miles, water sustainability co-ordinator.

“Greater Vernon Water asks customers to only water when needed. By being water wise now, we can avoid greater restrictions.”

Under regulations, residents can water:

• Tuesday, Thursday, and/or Saturday if their property has an odd address number.

• Wednesday, Friday, and/or Sunday if their property has an even address number

• Automatic timer irrigation may operate between the hours from midnight to 6 a.m.

• Manual sprinklers (moved by hand) may be used between the hours of 6 and 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. and midnight.

• Drip irrigation may operate between the hours of 7 p.m. and 10 a.m. (could previously run anytime under normal restrictions)

• Customers using a watering can or hose with spring-loaded nozzle may hand water anytime

“Our reservoirs filled early this year and then stopped spilling on June 10. This means we are using stored water earlier than normal,” said Miles.

“Combine that with a hot, dry June causing everyone to irrigate more has pushed us into stage one restrictions.”

More details can be found at www.rdno.ca/waterrestrictions.


Vernon Morning Star