WestJet adds daily flight to Edmonton

Airline cites recent fee decrease

WestJet adds daily flight to Edmonton.

WestJet adds daily flight to Edmonton.

WestJet Encore will be adding a daily flight between Abbotsford and Edmonton beginning next June, according to the airline.

One flight will leave Abbotsford International Airport (YXX) daily at 6:20 a.m., with another departing Edmonton each evening at 10 p.m.

The airline cited YXX’s recent 50 per cent reduction of its airport improvement fee and its elimination of aircraft parking, bridge and bag-handling fees in its announcement.

“The leadership demonstrated by Abbotsford International Airport sets a standard we hope others will follow,” said WestJet president and chief executive officer Gregg Saretsky.

“Airports like Abbotsford recognize they will grow if we grow, and its actions today demonstrate a willingness to walk the walk.”

Abbotsford News