Winter storm hits Terrace overnight

Up to 30 more centimetres of snow could fall throughout the day

PARENTS who might normally have to deal with delivering children to area schools this morning might be feeling differently because today is a scheduled non instructional school day.

It means not having to deal with a winter blizzard that has dumped large volumes of snow, a condition made worse because of high winds.

Drifting snow has clogged driveways, streets and intersections, making driving challenging.

City crews, bolstered by hired equipment, have been out all night clearing streets of accumulated snowfall.

Yesterday’s heavy snowfall is expected to continue somewhat today with a forecast of between 15 cm and 30 cm leading into the early evening.

Power was out in sections of Terrace last night for several hours and BC Hydro reports isolated outages this morning.

Areas of Thornhill and the Lakelse Lake area appears to have been spared of outages.

Darkened streets were occasionally lit up by brilliant blue/white flashes as street lights went on and off.

Flights were cancelled into the Northwest Regional Airport last night but the airport’s website reports that inbound flights this morning are on time.

Last night’s arrival cancellations from Vancouver for Air Canada and WestJet meant their early morning outbound flights were cancelled.

Hawkair’s 8 am flight to Vancouver did leave, reports the airport’s website.








Terrace Standard