Zellers staying

There are no plans to close Zellers in Williams Lake.

There are no plans to close Zellers in Williams Lake. Tiffany Bourré, external communications manager for the Hudson Bay Company, says the company has been receiving phone calls from people in Williams Lake who have heard the store in Williams Lake is closing after Christmas. “It sounds as if Target bought Zellers, which isn’t the case,” she says, explaining that Target purchased leaseholds from Zellers for 189 locations but didn’t purchase Zellers. “There are 84 remaining Zellers stores across Canada operating right now as business as usual.”

Zellers in Boitanio Mall is one of those remaining 84 stores. Bourré says HBC is reviewing options for those stores but hasn’t finalized a strategy and won’t until 2012.

“Is there a closure planned at this point? No, there isn’t,” she says. “We are reviewing our options.”

Williams Lake Tribune