A tale of two budget items

In Wednesday’s edition of the Mirror there was two articles concerning spending.

In Wednesday’s edition of the Mirror there was two articles concerning spending.

On page 4, council had a brainstorming session to discuss cuts to recreation and other services. Some of the ideas tossed about were closing the Sportsplex, closing the Centennial pool, reducing fire service, and garbage collection among other options.

On page 9, the mayor was telling Rotary and the Firefighters Association to go ahead with your project to build a water park and Mega Soaker.

To quote the Mayor from the article “If you need the money, we’ll come up with the money.” This money has not been budgeted for, $75,000 in initial cost plus at least $30,000 per year in service costs, guaranteed to rise every year!

A question  for the mayor, are you and council attending the same meetings?

Ed Treadwell

Campbell River Mirror