About time council gets a raise

The past 12 months in Houston have felt like an accumulation of national, provincial, and municipal decisions breaking off into a precipice.

Discerning when is the most beneficial time to act on something, requires a wisdom that perhaps can only be acquired long after the opportunity has passed.

The past 12 months in Houston have felt like an accumulation of national, provincial, and municipal decisions breaking off into a precipice. Its weight coming down on the community like a slow, consistent IV drip injecting one unfortunate event after another. Disarming the community to the vague and hallow question, “What do we do, and when do we do it?”

I applaud our community’s leaders that strive to exhaust all resources to give Houston another defibrillation of hope. A chance, to come back.

Even the smallest extension of support can be enough to provide the possibility of growth. Like the Houston Mountain BikeAssociation receiving support through Houston council to apply for funds to cover start up costs that will enhance this recreation activity in the community.

Or our council members choosing to attend a conference over a work day of their regular wages, that can better support their families and financial needs, just so they can discuss with professionals and other community leaders what options they can explore that would best benefit the residents of Houston.

I understand that the subject of finance is never a comfortable discussion. And I agree that the community has taken a hit that has left a deep bruise in finance, food, and home security.

But one can not forget that the members of our council are hard working residents of Houston, just like you and I, trying to provide for their well being and that of their families.

The difference is that they stepped up and said, I will shoulder this responsibility. I will make the community of Houston a part of my family, and put all that I have to offer to culture and care for it.

And by our own hand we voted for each of them and said, I choose to support you.

Since 2009 our council members have not seen an increase in remuneration. Like any sovereign body in a family, they conceded to be short handed so that the community wouldn’t have to suffer.

Perhaps it is time that we shared some of the responsibility for the well being of this family and community we call Houston,by supporting our council members in a raise in remuneration.


Houston Today