Above and beyond

Two Campbell River businesses exemplifying compassion and generosity

A week ago, I purchased a truck via auction from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans in Port Hardy. Having flown up there in the morning, I set off southward hoping to catch the evening Comox ferry to Powell River.

Of course, I didn’t make that ferry, as the truck died about 15 km north of Woss. I had it towed to Campbell River’s Lordco parking lot (suspected alternator problem). Upon telling them my problem, they freely lent me tools to remove the alternator so I could match it up against what they had in stock. The part would have to be shipped in early the next day. They had no problem with me leaving the truck in their parking lot overnight. Early the next day I go to Penner Automotive to have my alternator checked out. The alternator was good. Now I am worried (Lemon anyone?).

Brent, the Penner Automotive owner, drives me back to my truck and has a look under the hood. He quickly notices the alternator fuse is missing! Doh! DFO’s fine mechanics decided they wanted the alternator fuse when they stripped the truck of their electronics (radio, lights etc.). What were they thinking! This is a fuse that bolts down, so it isn’t something easily removed.

Brent then sends a mechanic over to my truck with a fresh battery to get my truck over to their shop so they can install the missing fuse and recharge my new battery. Meanwhile, Lordco lent me tools again and recharged my battery while I waited for the mechanic. Once at Penner Automotive, they immediately sent a mechanic over to the Dodge dealership to get the specialized fuse, so I could be on my way quickly. My bill was $69, in total. This includes the taxi ride (plus truck inspection), a mechanic escort (using one of their batteries), a parts runs, and the fuse ($17) install and battery recharge. Usually, one would expect, as an out-of-towner to get hosed or more colloquially, charged at ‘top rate.’ But in my mind, I wasn’t charged at all. The graciousness and generosity of Penner Automotive and Lordco left me feeling extreme gratitude towards Campbell River. After being stranded on desolate highway, without cell service and night falling, all I can think about is that Campbell River has two businesses that exemplify compassion and generosity.

Melli MacMillan

Garden Bay, B.C.

Campbell River Mirror