Build local, says worker

I am a 29-year-old mother of two. I have lived in Campbell River for eight years or so

I am a 29-year-old mother of two. I have lived in Campbell River for eight years or so. In those eight years I have had to support myself and my young family by working in various positions in the aquaculture industry.

I have worked hard and moved up to the position of Net Builder Supervisor. This title meant I managed the building of net pens for open containment fish farming.

In October 2011, I was laid off due to shortage of work. I am currently on EI and struggling to find employment. I and numerous coworkers were laid off because the nets that are being built for local fish farms are now recently being built overseas in developing countries for a cheaper price. Countries like Peru, Chile, and India. They are built and then shipped to Campbell River.

I’m not talking about a couple nets, I’m talking about hundreds or more. It takes four people two weeks to build one net. This means Campbell River people are missing out on a huge opportunity for employment.

I dont think it’s fair that Campbell River deals with all the pollution and risks to the wild salmon stalks, when other countries get the important benefit of employing the people.

Grace May

Campbell River

Campbell River Mirror