Corrigalls say thanks

To say we are touched by the support and generosity merely scratches the surface of our feelings

It is with humility and warmth in our hearts that we extend a sincere thanks and pure gratitude to our Campbell River family.

To say we are touched by the support and generosity merely scratches the surface of our feelings. We have a vision of the emperor penguins who huddle together in the winter storm with their babies at their feet protecting them and sheltering them from harm. Like the penguins, we work together as a family to meet their needs and provide for them but it is our extension of family, friends, acquaintances and the Campbell River clan that then protects, supports and provides the shelter for us as a whole.  It is in our hearts and minds to thank each and every one of you because it is as individuals that you have come together, unified, in efforts and stunning accomplishments. We return the love and deeply thank you Campbell River for reaching out to us during this tumultuous and frightening challenge.  It is within this embrace that we can continue to look after our angel, Natalia, to her vivacious and healthy, spirited self again.

Christa and Dax Corrigall

Campbell River

Campbell River Mirror