Daffodil month means so much

As many of you know April is the Cancer Society daffodil month and April 27 is Daffodil Day. I know you are aware since I see many of you sporting the daffodil pin on your lapel.

The pins and buying the daffodils remind us of the courage of so many cancer sufferers and the solidarity we feel with the families of those who fight a good battle.

We are so very lucky  to have a good cancer clinic in our hospital. We have doctors and nurses who are a great source of comfort and information. The process of chemotherapy is done at the clinic. I gather great care is taken to make the experience a little less stressful.

Since most in this area know that old Al is fighting advanced lung cancer we will often meet and greet others who also fight some form of the disease. We will talk about the whole foods that will help us. We hear about treatments with radiation and chemotherapy. We also know of those who travel to another part of the world to seek treatment. All the more power to you .

What can any of us do to try to prevent this awful disease or to make sure the cancer patient has some chance at recovery? Food is very important. Get away from all the processed crap. Also quit smoking for heaven sake. Get outside and walk or at least breath some fresh air and get some sun. Don’t overdo the sun exposure but enjoy what you can.

I will leave this for now since it’s time to prepare more food. I have a homemade soup on the go filled with vegetables. Raw asparagus and a dip, spinach salad with strawberries and a fresh fruit salad and yogurt. A herbal tea or water will be the drink of the day.

To all of you who suffer you are always on my mind. Support the Cancer Society by getting a daffodil pin or a bouquet to bring spring and hope into your home.

I thank all who have these past months offered prayers and well wishes when you have called 250-846-5095. Much support has  come in the form of e-mail notes to mallory@bulkley.net..  I must of course take my hat off to our own family who from across this great land have kept in close and personal contact.

Brenda Mallory writes the weekly Spice of Life column

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