Derelict boat litters beach

My comment to these protestors would be that they have a right to morally protest logging only under these conditions

I don’t know if this is the right place for an opinion letter to the editor but here goes.

I read the article in Wednesday’s paper about the threat to blockade Island Timberlands from logging on Cortes Island.

My comment to these protestors would be that they have a right to morally protest logging only under  these conditions. They absolve themselves from the use of all forest products. These include toilet paper, newspapers, writing paper, napkins, the house they live in (which I’m sure contains wood products), the list is to long to continue but I’m sure as someone who is concerned about the conservation of the forests will look up and refrain from using all products derived from the forest industry.

I hope that these protestors do not have jobs that in any way rely on the use of forest products because they would have to leave that employment out of good conscience. Oh, and don’t go on social assistance when you are unemployed because a portion of that money is derived from forest industry stumpage and tax revenue.

I do believe in responsible logging options as I have worked in the forest industry my entire working life and believe that the industry should be managed properly for the future.

Ray Sumner

Campbell River Mirror