EDITORIAL: Ashton Creek requires action

Flooding is a threat to the community east of Enderby on the Shuswap River.

With images from Calgary and southern Alberta still fresh in people’s minds, the devastation that can be caused by raging creeks and rivers is obvious.

It’s a scenario that residents of Ashton Creek are abundantly familiar, especially after last year when the creek, which the community is named after, went on the rampage. Residents were forced out of their homes and significant property damage was sustained.

And, unfortunately, flooding could be repeated at any time given current conditions. Gravel has been allowed to plug the culvert pipe and branches and other debris could create blockages.

Residents are also calling for dredging along Ashton Creek.

Provincial officials, who are responsible for the environment and rural areas, are well aware of the potential risk in the community, but absolutely nothing has been done to be proactive and attempt to avoid flooding. Instead, there is all kinds of assistance for residents once high water washes in.

“We need to demonstrate that it’s an issue and preventative work is more important than emergency work,” said Jackie Pearase, rural Enderby’s regional district director.

But to make that case, Pearase is likely going to have to pay for an engineering study on the creek even though it is outside of her mandate. Once again, the provincial government is not fulfilling its responsibilities.

Residents and Pearase met recently with Shuswap MLA Greg Kyllo about the situation and he needs to take their message to Victoria.

Now is the time for action not after the fact when flooding has occurred.



Vernon Morning Star