Editorial: Busy bees or pot stirrers?

Well folks, I’ve been presented with another issue to comment on—last week’s vandalism and now this week—rumours!

Well folks, I’ve been presented with another issue to comment on—last week’s vandalism and now this week—rumours!

The rumour issue was brought to light this past week when a woman entered the Spotlight office, with a bee in her bonnet about the mayor and council for not proclaiming May 29 as “Day of the Honey Bee”

She wanted to know why council turned down the request and… how dare they say that it wasn’t an important issue!


Knowing that she was not present at the last council meeting (because I was there), I asked her where she had heard this and she said, “I was told.”

I advised her that she had been misinformed, that council had received and filed the proclamation request and that they had in no way stated that the situation with respect to the Honey Bee was not an important issue.

I let this woman know that council had made the decision to receive and file the proclamation request  because as a council, they want proclamations to have substance—something they, as a council, can do something about.

For instance, during that same council meeting, they had proclaimed June 7 to be “Access Awareness Day in Princeton.” On this day in past years, members of council have taken to the streets of Princeton in wheelchairs with the Accessibility Awareness Committee to help determine areas in need of better accessibility.

I also explained that council receives numerous requests for proclamations each month with requests for a this day and that day and as Councillor Harkness explained during the meeting, “last year there weren’t that many bluebirds around either and next  time the request will be for a Bluebird Day… it gets to be a bit much at times.”

Throughout our conversation the woman became much calmer and a little more understanding of council’s position. I on the other hand—was mad as a hornet.

This woman was obviously a victim of the ever-grinding rumour mill that rears it’s ugly head more often than not.  A busy bee or a pot stirrer—if you will, told this woman only what they had wanted her to hear and she ran with it.

A rumour is described as (gossip or hearsay)— often a combination of truth and untruth and is more often malicious fabrication, usually about the behavior of other people, or should I say, what they’ve heard about so and so, which, of course snowballs into something unkind and certainly untrue – completely lacking in factual information (hearsay).

The fact that I had to explain this situation really angered me because, quite frankly, I am fed up with the damage rumours cause. Realistically, there is no reason for them.

If something is your business, ask your questions of those directly involved. If something is not your business—stay out of it.

And, if you want to know what council is doing and why—attend their meetings! They were elected to represent you and your community and that by the way,  is your business.


Similkameen Spotlight