Editorial: Do your research

Nominations for November’s elections close Friday at 4 p.m.

Nominations for November’s elections close Friday at 4 p.m. Candidates will vie for regional district, school district and city councilor and mayoral seats.

The chatter, the letters, the comments and concerns have ramped up in local and social media throughout the year to volcanic proportions. The issues seem endless: water meters, electrical meters, a community centre, marijuana, crime, economic development, net metering, noise, employment, youth… it’s actually a good thing that there’s so much to talk about, it shows how engaged we are as a community.

There have been comments that this council has done nothing for its citizens.

You may not agree with what it has done, but to say this council has done NOTHING? That’s ludicrous. One needs only to read the information packages city staff prepares before meetings to realize the activity happening—you don’t even need to physically sit through the meetings. Council is guided by the best staff the city has had for years. Many past staff have certainly been stellar, but as a team led by CAO Doug Allin, this group is unparalleled.

If you want to see change, this election is your opportunity.

Remember that change isn’t affected by one person; it doesn’t happen overnight; it doesn’t occur just because of gender or age. Don’t vote for a stereotype.

There are several ways to research the candidates. The Gazette will be offering each candidate space in the issues before the election, and they will have a set number of words to say whatever they want to the electorate. The paper isn’t going to make this a “Q&A”; it’s not up to the Gazette to determine the issues.

Attend the all-candidates forum and ask questions. The Boundary Country Regional Chamber is hosting the forum on Wednesday, Oct. 22 in the auditorium at Grand Forks Secondary School. Also, candidates will—or at least, should—be handing out their contact information. Talk to them directly if standing up in front of a crowd is intimidating.

Be informed before you vote. We’ll see you Saturday, November 15 at the polling station.





Grand Forks Gazette