EDITORIAL: Help needed for gang violence

As many know, Williams Lake is dealing with a gang problem.

As many know, Williams Lake is dealing with a gang problem.

While some may shrug off the news because they feel it only involves a small group of individuals willingly participating in that type of dangerous lifestyle, the reality is it affects us all.

The latest incident happened Tuesday night and saw shooters target a home with several people in it, including three small, innocent children.

Seeing shotgun casings lying in the quiet, residential streets of Wildwood next to a school crossing sign is not something we should be willing to get used to.

Hearing about victims being shot while on the streets of Glendale or thrown off the Rudy Johnson Bridge are not things we should accept as normal in a community the size of Williams Lake, but do we?

One has to ask, how have we got to this point?

For one, our justice system is not working. That much is obvious.

We shouldn’t be playing a game of catch and release with dangerous prolific offenders, which is exactly what is happening.

Our police know these suspects and arrest them all the time only to watch them walk the streets again and again in no time at all.

Currently, our community is experiencing another rash of vehicle thefts which is also likely related to the release of these types of offenders who make a career out of being a criminal at a young age.

When are we going to say enough is enough? When the game turns deadly and innocent people die?

Our community needs more resources to deal with this problem.

Our local police need a dedicated team of officers in place to deal with these high-risk, dangerous offenders and our local social programs clearly need more supports in place to help identify these troubled children before they turn to a violent life of crime.

The provincial and federal governments must step up to the plate on this one now before we bury another victim as a result of this escalating gang war.

– Williams Lake Tribune

Williams Lake Tribune