Exciting times ahead

We want to congratulate those MLA’s who will be representing our salmon farming communities in the legislature

The BC Salmon Farmers Association would like to extend our congratulations to Liberal Leader Christy Clark and the BC Liberal Team for last night’s election win. We especially want to congratulate those MLA’s who will be representing our salmon farming communities in the legislature. Public service is never easy and we were pleased to see so many people put their name forward to represent their communities. We look forward to working with new and returning MLAs over the next four years and continuing our strong working relationship with the government.

BC is entering an exciting time, with many new possibilities and challenges on the horizon. We are looking forward to working with the government on a variety of issues, including how we in the aquaculture industry can grow and prosper while supporting communities and protecting the environment.

We look forward to the important discussions that will take place about those issues close to the hearts of British Columbians – the future of health care, education, and social services – while also discussing the economic drivers that will be needed to fund those services.

As the largest private sector employer on the North Island, we are committed to ensuring the communities in which we operate thrive and grow. We are proud that 20% of our employees are Aboriginal and that we provide sustainable, year-round jobs. We are committed to long-term, sustainable growth for our sector and for the communities in which we live and work.

The BCSFA represents salmon farm companies and those who supply services and supplies to the industry. Salmon-farming provides for 6,000 direct and indirect jobs while contributing $800-million to the provincial economy each year.

For more information visit www.salmonfarmers.org

Mary Ellen Walling

Executive Director, BCSFA

Campbell River Mirror