Find money for the pool

Well, I won’t call you a heretic, but I strongly disagree with you that our outdoor pool should be closed

Re: Out on a limb – “In the news: Sewers, old farts and car parks” – Mirror Jan. 24 by Alistair Taylor

Well, I won’t call you a heretic, but I strongly disagree with you that our outdoor pool should be closed.

Interesting that on the opposite page from your editorial was an impassioned plea from the campbell river salmon kings. Have you been to the outdoor pool in the summer and seen the kids enjoying this pool? With all the money that our council wastes on projects that are often done wrong (case in point: recent road construction downtown mistake on corner), I am sure we can find in our budget money to repair our only outdoor pool.

Interesting thought to ponder: Were this facility in willow point, would we  consider closing it? We are the inner city and for a lot of our kids, this pool is the only outing they will get in the summer. We will see what our council does with this one. I think I can guess at which of our esteemed councillors will have compassion and which will not.

I read your column diligently Alistair, always enjoy your perspective and insight. We may not always agree but that is what makes life interesting

More to come on this subject I have no doubt.

Cindy Wingert

Campbell River

Campbell River Mirror