
October is Foster Family Month - an opportunity to celebrate you and your families; to celebrate the commitment you make to children and young people

Open Letter to the BC Federation of Foster Parents Association

I would like to offer the thanks of Adrian Dix and the Official Opposition to you:  foster parents whose life and work makes a difference to every child you look after, and to the province of British Columbia.

October is Foster Family Month – an opportunity to celebrate you and your families; to celebrate the commitment you make to children and young people.

It is also an opportunity to recognise that fostering is hard work. No one knows more than you that fostering can be difficult for you and your families. It takes someone who is truly dedicated to take on the troubles of other families through their children, the problems of fetal alcohol syndrome, of physical disabilities or mental challenges.

I know foster parents who look after newborns and young babies; those who take in vulnerable mothers as well as their babies; those who take in difficult teens with all that entails. They take on this duty in addition to caring for their own families, working at their own jobs and fulfilling their own demands.

There are more than 3,000 foster families around the province and almost 6,000 children and youth in the system. That is a significant number, but as you know, more are always welcome. Fostering in B.C. covers a wide spectrum from small families through to intense services for children and youth with special needs.

Foster parents need support, assistance, and guidance. We place some of our most vulnerable youngsters with foster families; those families deserve support and recompense.

Yes, we can celebrate your hard work, but we also need to acknowledge that we can do more for you and your families.

Claire Trevena,

MLA North Island

Campbell River Mirror