Get your facts straight

I do take offence however, with the minority of malcontents that want to generate an atmosphere of hostility

Re: “Plenty of evidence” (Mirror, March 27)

I have to say that I am glad that we live in a society that allows us public expression of our opinion without fear of ridicule.

However, if you are going to accuse industry operators of issues such as contributing to the extinction of wild salmon then I would please ask you to make sure you have your facts straight.

I have been working in the industry for over 25 years (in the field), and have seen first hand that these “diseases” you speak of were endemic to the environment, meaning that they were always there.

As far as “muzzling,” any time that we bring forward empirical scientific data to support our position Ms. (Alexandra) Morton refuses to acknowledge it. It makes for a hostile environment when one side of the debate is not even willing to hear scientific evidence brought forward by leading authorities.

I personally have no issue with members of the general public voicing concerns over issues of environmental impact.  As a matter of fact, I see it as an excellent opportunity to gain a different perspective which may help us to improve/modify our practises to lessen our impact on the environment.

I do take offence however, with the minority of malcontents that want to generate an atmosphere of hostility through emotional appeal and rhetoric.

As mentioned earlier, I have been working in the industry for over 25 years and have seen it constantly evolving, improving practises to lessen environmental impact.

I also think that it is entirely possible to be a salmon farmer and an environmentalist.

I am proud to say that I contribute to providing a safe, healthy alternative to wild salmon.

Can Ms. Morton make that claim?

Marc Wouters

Campbell River

Campbell River Mirror