Getting a new perspective

Our view

Vacation –  n. & v. 1. a fixed period of cessation from work, esp. in universities and lawcourts. 2. US a holiday. 3. the act of vacating (a house or post etc.) US take a holiday.

It is the time of year when most folks take a couple of weeks and do what they want rather than what is expected of them. It’s a necessary and much anticipated time for taking a load off, relaxing and seeing the world in anything but a 9 to 5 way. Vacations are meant to reduce stress and they do, providing you get away from it all.

Two weeks away gives one a different perspective. It makes the mundane events even duller and gives the important events more clarity. Basically it re-positions and aligns the important issues and gives them the head space they deserve. We can get so caught up in the “political” issues that we forget about the other softer and gentler things taking place.

The Sooke Fine Arts Show and the Stinking Fish Studio Tour are both examples from the “other side.” Hundreds of volunteers make these events possible and it makes the light shine on Sooke and the region. Sooke has encouraged art and artists for more than 25 years and we are all the much better for it. It is our claim to fame really.

Congratulations to all who helped make this happen and kudos to Sooke for always being there to encourage and support this “alternate” economy.

Not to be forgotten are the efforts made by local businesses and individuals who are beautifying our town and helping make it just a little better each year.

We live in a great place.

Sooke News Mirror