Help salute our community leaders

The lifeblood of any community is the people who give freely of their time and talents to benefit others

The lifeblood of any community is the people who give freely of their time and talents to benefit others.

Some call them volunteers.

We call them heroes.

And the Salmon Arm Observer wants your help in identifying and honouring these special people in our Community Leader Awards.

Nominations will be accepted by a selection committee comprised of representatives of various community groups and other members of the community.

Anyone can nominate a deserving candidate in a whole host of categories including mentor, coach, emergency services, environmental, youth and community leader of the year.

Nominations close Wednesday, May 4. Nomination forms are available within the pages of this newspaper, or in our sister publication the Shuswap Market News.

An awards ceremony will be held on June 16. Winners and those with honourable mentions will be further honoured in a special supplement soon after.

A little appreciation can go a long way towards supporting and encouraging those who give so much and expect so little in return. We encourage everyone to think of someone who deserves a pat of the back and nominate them now.


Salmon Arm Observer