If you have a pat on the back or a kick in the pants for somebody, submit it to heroesandzeros@campbellrivermirror.com

HEROES – All those who helped make our third Red Hat Fantasy Cruise a huge success. A total of 159 ladies, representing 37 chapters of the Red Hat Society, came from all over Vancouver Island and the Lower Mainland (plus one from Winnipeg) to share in our fun. Thanks go especially to Sherry McCutcheon and staff of the Anchor Inn for allowing us again to turn your hotel into the SS Chapeaux Rouge.  Food and service were outstanding as always. Thank you to Hugh Schmid for supplying lighting and sound, Jim Lilburn and the Salmon Festival for staging, Campbell River Kinsmen for the casino, River City Players, Michael Wilson and Corleen Naswell. Thank you to local businesses that put out their welcome mats for the Red Hatters. Thanks go to our spa service providers:  Caroline Maedel – Shoppers Drug Mart, Elaine May – ENails Studio, Heather Dirks – About Face Esthetic Services, Pat Root – Pat’s Fabulous Nails, Sandi May – Foot Care For Healthier Feet, Teresa Perkins – All About Esthetics, Lisa Peterson and Amy Evans who made our ladies feel pampered and pretty.  Thanks also to Shirley, our Red Hat vendor. A huge thank you also to all members of the local chapters who worked behind the scenes and to our families and friends who added their labour and support.  We could not have done it without all of you. – Sylvia Jago, Scarlet Divas; Lois Scott, Red Ripple Rockers; Lynn Latoski, Plum Delights; Marlene Knowles, Merlot Madams

HERO – Wayne Fedi and his politicians article. I don’t like to weigh in on politics but you couldn’t be more right. Anyone who votes for a criminal needs their head checked. – Dave Wing

HEROES – CR Electric Wheels for outstanding customer care and fairness. – Lee E. Ayres

HEROES – We would like to send out a huge thank you to the Salmon Festival committee and RCMP (two in their red serge) and Campbell River Firefighters for joining us in our early Canada Day celebrations at Yucalta Lodge. The smiles on the residents faces showed their appreciation for these professional’s time. – Joanne Amberson

HEROES – The clubs and groups of people in Campbell River who volunteered their time to our Japanese Cultural Fair. Thanks to them we had people in Campbell River waiting at the Spirit Square for the event to start. This is our 30th anniversary being sister cities with Ishikari Japan celebrating economic, cultural, and student exchanges. Starting thanks go to THE Spirit Square coordinator for his direction and help setting up the tents and decorations. Thanks to CR Metals for their Flat Deck truck to transport our Tori Gate and decorations to the Spirit Square. Thanks for the hard work go to the set up crew. Thanks to the Campbell River Art Gallery for the use of  tables and chairs. Thanks to Marine Harvest for the donation of chefs, BBQ trailer and delicious salmon burgers. Thanks to Thrifty Foods for their donation of pop & water. Thanks to Katie’s Rice box for making  us the sushi. Thanks to our Campbell River Twinning Society’s salad prep group. It was a great lunch. Many thanks to the Kimono Fashion Show’s organizer and the models who modeled Japanese clothing for us. Thank you for the beautiful Japanese songs go to the KAEDE Japanese Chorus. Thanks to the CR Aikido Club, Campbell River Iaido/Jujutsu club and the Campbell River Judo Club for their Marital Arts demonstrations. Thanks to the volunteers who looked after our announcing, activity tables and sold Japanese knick knacks. Thanks for making our Japanese Cook Book Campbell River Twinning Society. Thanks to all the wonderful people who volunteered their Saturday to make Campbell River Twinning Society’s Japanese Cultural Fair a great event – Glenna Armitage, event coordinator, Campbell River Twinning Society

HERO – The kind soul who found my driver’s license and took the trouble to mail it to me. Because you did this anonymously I cannot thank you in person. Your thoughtfulness to do this is much appreciated and a wonderful reminder to have faith in humanity. As someone new to Campbell River, I also found your kindness an example of how wonderful it is to live in this friendly, small community is. Thanks ever so much. – Jodi Cohen

HEROES – So many heroes to thank for making our Fun Fair at Ecole Mer-et-montagne such a huge success: Parents, students, volunteers… who spent hundreds of hours preparing it. We can’t name all of you who donated so generously to support our silent auction, our concession and BBQ, we had so many amazing prizes this year, thank you and Merci! It was also wonderful to see so many people showing up for some great family fun, we’ll be back in 2014 with even more games. Thank you Campbell River! – Xavier Barbot on behalf of Ecole Mer-et-montagne Fun Fair Committee

HEROES – Miss Kevis and her art students at Phoenix School. They decorated over 200 luminary bags to be sold at the Relay for Life. Thanks to the students for the great effort put into this project! – Pat Tomlinson, Relay for Life volunteer

HEROES – The management and staff at Forde House in Willow Point would like to thank Campbell River Community Foundation for their generous donation towards our new gardening program. Earlier this spring Marine Harvest gave us a dozen fish totes which we needed to make our new raised garden beds. We installed these new beds with a lot of hard work from our gardener, Vince Wood. The beds are the perfect height for our residents who have mobility issues. They can now sit on their walkers or in their scooters and garden to their hearts content. The gardens here at Willow Point Supportive Living have become quite a social meeting place not only for our residents but also for the community. Many stroll the grounds and enjoy seeing whatever is in bloom at the time. Over the past few years we have won two garden awards of which the residents are quite proud and so they should be, as they helped with a number of  the tasks. The contribution from Campbell River Community Foundation will go towards installing paths around the new beds. These are being built with the help of several volunteers from the Storey Creek Golf Course. Our gardeners are eagerly looking forward to the flowers and vegetables they will be able to grow. Many thanks to all those who have helped to make our new gardens a reality. What a wonderful community we live in. – Terry Fulton on behalf of the residents of Forde House

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