HERO – We would like to give a great big thank-you to the unknown lady that came into our association on Friday, June 10 telling us we had an emergency at the back of our building. If it wasn’t for you this could have been a horrible tragedy. It’s people like you who care and make a difference in our Community. Thanks for the heads up. – The Association for Community Living.
HERO – A huge thank you to Robin Muzzerall for organizing our class Salmon BBQ fundraiser on May 14. Many thanks to Marine Harvest who generously donated all of the fantastic salmon. To our awesome chef Mike, and to Roger (the man behind the scenes) who kept everything running smoothly; thank you both for volunteering your time to help us out- you did Marine Harvest proud. Thank you to Coastline Mazda for allowing us to use your lot for our fundraiser, we really appreciate it! To all of the kids and parents who helped serve and attract our customers, Merci! Thank you also to Superstore, Zellers, and Shoppers Drug Mart for donating supplies for our BBQ so that we could keep our profits. And finally, to all of you who came out and supported us on a cool spring day, Merci Beaucoup. We now have enough money for our Outdoor Education trip to Strathcona Park Lodge. – Mme. O’s grade 5/6 class, Ecole Willow Point Elementary
HERO – A forté note of appreciation to our heroes: John Montgomery, our band teacher, for “orchestrating” the annual grade 9 concert band and grade 8/9 stage band bus trip to Edmonton. The bands would also like to give a huge thank-you to Bruce Morgan, Gaetan Desrochers and Jennifer Kobayashi for chaperoning and to Harvey Robinson, our bus driver, for getting us there and back safely. It must have taken a lot of patience to be in one vehicle with thirty 13-15 year olds for six days. Great job all of you. Garry Ogrodnik, the manager of Superstore, also played a very important role in our band trip. Thank you for donating all the drinks and snacks. We would also like to thank Trish Izon for organizing and delivering all the food and drinks to the school. Thank-you all very much. We couldn’t have gone on this amazing trip without you! – Grade 9 Concert Band and Grade 8/9 Stage Band, École Phoenix Middle School.
HEROES – I want to send a huge thank you to a number of people who helped me and my boys after I fell off my bike on Hilchey Road on Tuesday, June 14. Jim, Bob, Lorie and two ladies who I didn’t get their names that were driving and sightseeing. Thank you for the site seeing. Thank you sooo much. Jim, who arrived shortly after the ambulance was called, with your third level first aid – thank you! The firefighters that were there also, thank you. Bob and Lorie the ambulance attendants, thank you for your care. My boys are awesome boys and they were so good and I am so blessed to have them. No helmet which is not smart. I am lucky! Three stitches in my head and a scrape on my elbow. Thank you Dr. Jordan and the staff at the hospital. Thank you! Helmets are very important no matter how old you are. Campbell River people are awesome. Please reply so that I know that you know how much I appreciate you all. – Super Mom? Not!
HEROES – “It takes a community to raise a child” and we have many heroes in our community that make this a reality. We would like to send thank you’s to everyone who helped to make our recent Parent Appreciation Breakfast a huge success! Thank you to Quality Foods, Steiner’s Bakery, and Thrifty’s for helping to provide the scrumptious food! Thank you to Diane Brown for giving up so many hours of her time to play the piano for our choir, they sounded terrific! A special thank you to everyone who stayed to help clean up. Finally, thank you to the parents for doing everything you can to ensure the success of your child! The combined contributions of so many have helped to create a terrific memory for so many families. You are all heroes to us! – From the students and staff at Ripple Rock Elementary
HEROES – The students who put a lot of care and effort into decorating Luminary Bags for the Relay for Life…including the students in the classes of Ann Strebel at Ecole Willow Point, Julie Bailey at Pinecrest and Don Ottosen at Pinecrest Elementary. The hundreds of bags will be for sale for $5 each at the Relay for Life on Friday. Thanks for a job well done! – Pat Tomlinson, Relay for Life
HEROES – Matt Bruining and the Team at the Royal Bank for thinking of Hospice and donating a $1000 to us from their employee fund. With this donation, we are able to continue providing end-of-life support, grief counseling and support programs necessary to all members of our community and surrounding area in their time of need – free of charge. Thank you Royal Bank for your support and generous contribution. – The Campbell River Hospice Society