Houston should keep parks

I have an invested interest in Jamie Baxter campground.

I have an invested interest in Jamie Baxter campground. I go there often to meditate, write on my typewriter that my uncle gave me, and get a quick fix of nature when I need out of my house. I personally would love to see this area be maintained, have the picnic tables refurbished, as they have been vandalized and are missing some of their seating boards. The campsite could use better bins for garbage, and ones for recycling. It is not surprising that people go there to drink, but after the place is littered with broken glass. This is a site frequently visited by residents and their pets. I am amazed that there are not more reports of animals being injured after a walk in the area. There is a small open field in the campsite that is decorated with daisies during the summer months. and old posts from a former volleyball net. If the campsite was better maintained, I think it would be an enticing location for programs. As a former student of theatre and music, I know how hard it is to be able to find a place to jam with your friends. The amphitheatre is wonderful, and should be more utilized, but developing musicians don’t want to perform when they are practicing. An enclosed space would provide some privacy, but also an additional activity to do during the winter months. The basement of the community hall has the potential to be utilized for such musical interests. A drum circle program would also be very successful within the community. When I was at the University of Victoria, it was the highlight of my week to meet on campus with other students and staff faculty to literally hit instruments and release all the things we had no outlet for. If we had a program like that, I don’t think it would be hard to find sponsors to fund the instruments, and it would be a program open to adults, youth, and children. I love that Houston now has a 10 year master plan for parks and recreation. I encourage everyone to take the time to complete the survey, because our input will affect what Houston has to offer in the next decade. To participate in the survey visit https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HoustonParksandRec. The survey closes Monday, May 22,2017.

Houston Today