Houston Today office moves downstairs

In case you haven’t seen the new office yet, we are located right beside the post office where Uniglobe used to be.

Welcome to the better side of the mall. Better as in, I’m no longer isolated from people, and I probably won’t die anymore from a dust bunny attacking me and end up haunting the Houston mall.

As a side note, I’d make an awesome poltergeist. I would obviously have telekinetic powers and be opaque looking with the ability to disappear. And then I could alternate between being a tourist attraction and helping the new reporter get all the juicy stories.

But fortunately, I can live a little longer doing what I do best. Write.

In case you haven’t seen the new office yet, we are located right beside the post office where Uniglobe used to be. The walls have been repainted, and we got some new flooring, which is fantastic because I tried cleaning the carpet with a steamer three times and dirt kept coming up, staining the surface, as if I was pulling the Earth itself.

The new office has a happy feel to it. Probably from all the years of residents coming in excited to book their vacation flights.I think the space is just more open and welcoming. The large glass door and window are awesome for people watching. And I love that I have regular visitors of the mall stopping by in the morning to wish me a good day.

The best feature of the new office is the bathroom. I no longer have to run up and down those stairs to use the public one.That’s just an additional leg workout I am happy to do without.

The only thing that seems out of place about this office is the blank white wall. On the other side we still have that lovely map of the world and the teal and navy stripes, but this white wall just seems a bit lonesome. Maybe it will look better when the other desk is put in, but I was thinking about the old office and the wall sized picture it had of some mountains and trees.

I think I’ll have to talk to my bosses and Black Press about the possibility of doing something like that again for this new office. Perhaps a nice aerial view of Houston, or something that just emphasizes Houston Today and the community.

What do you think? Stop by our new office and let me know.


Houston Today