Mayor should be aware

The disturbing issue to me is that our mayor was not aware, or so indicated, of the situation

I feel I have to respond to the two recent articles in your May 10 and 15 editions regarding our mayor and his response to the city’s 2012 Financial Report.

He referred to the 2012 “surplus” of $3.7 million. He stated because of this “surplus,” there was no reason to raise taxes.

The next article in the May 15 edition explained the situation as reported to council by the independent auditor, the city manager, and Coun. Adams. It very clearly points out that all dollars in the “surplus” are earmarked for projects approved but not yet completed or are in reserve funds that can only be used for specific programs or projects.

The disturbing issue to me is that our mayor was not aware, or so indicated, of the situation. He, as our leader, should, in my opinion, be fully aware of all aspects of our budget. It is the most important document Council deals with.I was also very upset when he commented “the taxpayers of Campbell River do not care whether their taxes are used for capital, operations, or programs.” I totally disagree. I want to know where they go and I am sure the majority of citizens do.

I sincerely hope for the remainder of this term of Council our Mayor shows more knowledge and leadership about all the important issues facing the citizens of Campbell River.

Bill Matthews, Freeman of the City of Campbell River


Campbell River Mirror