Not only candidates attending council meetings should be considered serious contenders

candidates with prior council experience should be given equal consideration

I read with interest your column in which you seemed to  indicate that only candidates who show up to a council meeting should be considered as serious candidates.

I respectfully submit that candidates with prior council experience should be given equal consideration.

Two of us, candidate Gagnon and myself, have been there and candidate Price is currently, I believe, a band councillor.

I can’t speak for Ms. Gagnon but I don’t attend because with ten years experience on another council I know that once the term is over the issues have been put to bed and not debated again.  So why observe dead issues.  Of course those who haven’t experienced the political cut and thrust should  perhaps attend, if only to see what they are getting into, if elected.

I do review the agenda from time to time and again if needed watch on TV. Of course, other issues such as the 3.5 acre site continue, but they are reviewed with current information.

I am saddened that you believe that candidates can’t make changes.  I have seen some elected officials make great strides in making positive changes that galvanise a city.   I have also seen city councils fail because the leader had no vision, acted as a despot or was just using the position as a stepping stone.

In closing, I trust that you accept that there is another aspect to the candidate makeup and that is experience.

Sterling Campbell

Council candidate

Campbell River Mirror