Now is time to capture and retain water

During the recent and continuing rain I have been watching the gutters turn into streams and the water literally go down the drain.

During the recent and continuing rain I have been watching the gutters turn into streams and the water literally go down the drain. I am sure our elected officials and their staff in six months time will be out nailing up “Water Restriction” notices.

How many of these officials, over the years, have considered this problem, yet nothing gets done? With an increasing population, and uncertain climatic future and perhaps the intent of governments to increase spending on infrastructure, surely now is the time for some action: raise the weir, put a few more bricks on the reservoirs, build a new one! Now is the time to capture and retain this precious resource, which is the envy of many.

We all should urge our representatives to take some long overdue decisions.


John Empey


Cowichan Valley Citizen