Now you can get rid of those dumb stop signs on 10th

They cause traffic to back up past 11th intersection and do nothing for traffic flow

Well, now that the streets are open and the screwed up downtown is technically operating when are they going to remove those dumb stop signs at 10th and Shoppers Row?

They cause traffic to back up past 11th intersection and do nothing for traffic flow. There was never a problem until the brianwave who designed the traffic flow got involved.

I think we need to promote the person or persons who designed the downtown so that maybe they don’t do so much damage (peter principle) in the future. There will be other places in that area that will have to be “fixed” at our cost. It will just take a few collisions before they get fixed.

We have places like at 9th and Dogwood that they can’t bother to put a lane sign on the light signal pole so drivers in the inside lane can see they must turn. I continually see cars on the inside lane still going straight down hill.

I suppose a few more accidents will need to occur before that happens.

Frans Hoogeveen

Campbell River


Campbell River Mirror