Readers speak out about SPCA

You have managed to rock the core of our little town by taking away the shelter for our abused, neglected, injured and abandoned animals

Well Done, City of Campbell River.

You have managed to rock the core of our little town by taking away the shelter for our abused, neglected, injured and abandoned animals. I trust you will all sleep well knowing – or not knowing – where and how these poor creatures will get to their final resting place without a shelter and loving, caring people to take care of them.

Charlotte Hayman


My wife and I are in absolute opposition to your decision to award the city animal control contract to Coastal Animal Control Services. This was obviously a poorly planned decision with no thought give to the consequences.

My wife and I have several dogs and have been supporters of the SPCA for twenty years. Your council may have saved taxpayers a few bucks in the short run but the loss of the SPCA and the valuable services they have provided strikes a blow to the heart of this community.

We attended at the final hour of the SPCA on Saturday. It was extremely sad to see employees who have dedicated their working lives to the welfare of the animals having to leave. Did you think about it? Who will administer animal welfare programs? Who will handle animal adoptions? What will happen to the out of control feral cat population?

We have lost a vital part of our community because of your poorly planned decision. I urge yourself and council to rethink this decision. The value of the SPCA to Campbell River goes way beyond dollars and sense.

Tom Hopkins

Catherine Frejd

I trust the citizens of Campbell River will give the current council  the boot at the next election for depriving us of the services of  the SPCA who have served our community for several decades.

Why do we have to put up with changes to things that are not broken?

Perhaps we should “outsource” our political needs to Comox Valley.

Brian Caldwell

Willow Point

Campbell River Mirror