Reform Act a step in right direction

We need a stronger, healthier democratic system to deal with the huge issues of our time

On Dec. 3 Michael Chong, a back-bench conservative MP, introduced a bill that would give our individual MPs more freedom to do their jobs and freely represent us. The bill puts power now held by party leaders back into the hands of MPs, local constituencies, and everyday Canadians.

We need a stronger, healthier democratic system to deal with the huge issues of our time. The “Reform Act” won’t fix all of the problems with our democracy, but it is a very good step in the right direction.

Already there is support being expressed by MPs from every party. Add your voice to this momentum! Please write to our MP and to all of the party leaders. They are watching to see our response as they make up their minds whether to support this bill or not.

Check out for more information, and a link to Michael Chong’s official site promoting this bill.

Cec Robinson

Whaletown, B.C.

Campbell River Mirror