The effects of change

A brand new year begins. The perfect time to put the negative aside and work together towards a bright and clear future.

Change is inevitable. Like time passing—change happens whether we want it to or not, and whether we like the change or not. What we can control however, is our interpretations of the change and our actions that follow.

When something happens that one either did or did not expect, there is a choice to be made. That choice would be to interpret  the event as positive or negative and the interpretation is what will affect the outcome of the change.

Should change have a negative impact and effectively one chooses to live in the negative aspects of that change, what good could possibly come of it? The only way there is to leave negativity behind is to make oneself become positive.

By changing one’s thought patterns to the positive, a door is opened to a world of possibilities.

Our community has undergone many changes during this past year. Some folks appreciate the changes and others do not.

Those who appreciate the changes will look towards the future, searching for new possibilities that wait or work at creating their own.  Those who don’t appreciate the changes will need to make their way through the negative aspects and eventually find a way to create a positive outcome.

Negativity begets negativity and I believe that our wonderful community has very much learned that lesson during the last half of 2011.

With the close of 2011 a brand new year begins—a clean, fresh start. The perfect time to put the negative aside and work together towards a bright and clear future.

There is so much in our area to be grateful for; the pristine beauty of our outdoors, major and small industry that provide employment, volunteers who help ensure that no one goes hungry, volunteers that provide endless amounts of culture and entertainment, the love of family and good friends—the list goes on…

There are also a number of wants, needs and changes to be had in our area. Reflecting on past months, I am hopeful that our community will continue to move forward, staying on the positive path and work together to affect the wants, needs or changes necessary for the betterment and happiness of our community.

Recently, a special friend of mine taught me a huge lesson.  Although for a time, it seemed that one negative event after another happened creating a negative force of change,  my friend decided not to live in the negative aspects of this change, and to use it to create a whole new world of possibilities.

This taught me that we really are the creators of our own futures, we are the deciding factor of whether we live a negative or positive existence. ~ I for one, want the positive.


Similkameen Spotlight