Time to get rid of the Senate

Grandfather them out and don’t replace them, find somewhere else to place your friends Mr. Harper

The disgusting debacle in the Senate has shown one thing, we don’t need them. They have not done a single thing in over 100 years.

Mr. Harper recently shut down the Vancouver Coast Guard station, putting mariners at risk to save less than $1 million.

The wages for 106 (friends and losers of PMs) comes to almost $14 million. That is the cheap part, remember they all have to have secretaries, they travel first class everywhere they go. They can take their families with them and they have one of the best health and insurance plans in the country

It is time. Grandfather them out and don’t replace them, find somewhere else to place your friends Mr. Harper and future prime ministers

T.M. Brewer

Campbell River

Campbell River Mirror