We need to bring more people in

Unless we remove the “old” guard at the next local election nothing new will happen

What a pity Jos Krynen met with a negative response from city council (with the exception of Ron Kerr and Walter Jakeway) regarding promoting tourism to Campbell River, but no surprise really.

Unless we remove the “old” guard at the next local election nothing new will happen. As for Rivercorp promoting the city abroad best not to hold your breath on that.

I would like throw an idea into the ring….what about Campbell River having a market along the lines of The Old Country Market at Coombs,( but without the goats on the roof!)? I am sure hundreds if not thousands of residents of this city visit this market on a regular basis taking their cash and spending it there.

Also this market is so popular with tourists they arrive by the busload.

We have plenty of vacant buildings in the downtown core surely someone with vision could convert some to accommodate a covered market, it could become an attraction for locals and tourists and the influx of visitors would have a positive knock on effect for existing businesses. We need to bring more people into Campbell River and we need to have more on offer for them to return on a regular basis.

Any entrepreneurs interested?

Jane Davies

Campbell River

Campbell River Mirror