Welcome to tax burden day

Here we are with an approved budget and a new financial burden on the taxpayers of Campbell River

Well folks, the day has finally arrived.

Here we are with an approved budget and a new financial burden on the taxpayers of Campbell River. In spite of very protracted and very strong and compelling objections by an irate electorate the gang of four councillors has given us the finger and done what they intended to do all along.

They were not swayed one bit by copious compelling arguments against their proposed tax increase or by pleas for reconsideration. In the end, despite continued public resistance, the gang of four forced their 2012 budget into law. Furthermore, and just as disconcerting, senior city bureaucrats have bitten the hands that feed them by refusing to present a zero-based budget – knowing that they could hide behind the support of the “gang of four.”

So, where does all of this leave us the lowly taxpayer? It leaves us with a majority of Campbell River councillors who are determined to purse their agenda and their policy regardless of strong negative public feedback. We taxpayers should either prepare ourselves for an annual fleecing or move elsewhere.

Marv Everett

Campbell River

Campbell River Mirror